Brain Inefficiencies = Learning Disabilities and Behavior Problems

by Daniel K. Shirey, Ed. D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/1/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 304
ISBN : 9781420871630

About the Book

The Child Left Behind. Is this your child?! Most parents, and unfortunately most schools, have little idea of what the educational performance of individual children ought to be. Grades on their report cards rarely, if ever, provide insight into what educational achievement should be expected for individual children.

The purpose of this book is to alert parents and teachers to specific symptoms of brain inefficiencies and help to identify and possibly develop strategies to reduce their impact upon individual so afflicted.

Again parents, and unfortunately most schools, do not appear to understand and evaluate a child’s abilities to achieve academically or behave emotionally and socially. An accepted standard of normal intelligence is a mean (average) intelligence quotient score of 100 with a range of 15 points, plus or minus 5 points, or roughly an IQ score range of 80 to 120. Most parents, and unfortunately many professionals, do not recognize the critical relationship between intellectual ability and academic achievement. Hopefully this book will alert parents to significant factors that affect not only their children’s academic achievement, but impact their emotional and social behavior as well.

Psychiatric “diagnoses” such as autism, attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder, and conduct disorder, among a number or others, provide parents and teachers, or even the child so afflicted, with little insight into their behavior. It is the author’s view that these “diagnoses” are primarily used to prescribe psychotropic medications (drugs), with a minimal regard to the potential hazards of their use.

About the Author

Daniel K. Shirey earned his Bachelor of Science in Psychology and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa in 1954. He fulfilled the requirements for Master of Science in Clinical Psychology with a thesis entitled Differential Prediction of the DAT and WISC Subtests in Three Ninth Grade Curriculum Areas in 1956. He completed his Doctor of Education in the Education of Exceptional Children with a dissertation entitled Productive Thinking in Educable Mental Retardates as a Variable of School Achievement in 1967. All three degrees were awarded by The Pennsylvania State University. 1990 - Professor Emeritus Clarion University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Shirey’s clinical experience began with two summers as a ward attendant supervising and serving patients at Torrance State Hospital. Other professional experience included psychologist intern at, a summer each, at Torrance and Harrisburg State Hospitals; student teacher in science and biology at the high school level in York, Pennsylvania; psychologist for over a year at the Pennsylvania State Industrial School, State Corrections System, a prison for juvenile delinquents and young criminals; and eight years as a school psychologist, special class supervisor and administrator for Lackawanna County School System, Pennsylvania. The State of Pennsylvania certificated him as a school psychologist and licensed him as a psychologist.

His primary professional experience for the next 26 years, as a Professor of Special Education at Clarion University of Pennsylvania, was preparing special education teachers. During this time he and a colleague, Dr. Roy Schreffler, established a teacher preparation course entitled Educational Appraisal. The primary purposes of this course was to provide special education teachers an opportunity to interact with children with learning problems, develop basic skills in test administration, and understand and utilize data provided by other professionals, particularly school psychologists. Through Education Appraisal Dr. Shirey and Dr. Schreffler developed the concept of Brain Inefficiencies Syndrome.

In addition, Dr. Shirey was appointed and served for 18 years as a Pennsylvania Hearing Officer for due process hearings for special education students as legally mandated under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. He also contracted as a school psychologist for four months for the Northwest Arctic School District in Alaska. Occasionally, he still performs private practice assessment of students with learning and behavior problems.