Visual Thoughts

Conscience & Phobias sem. 1

by Michael A. Jones Jr.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/27/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 96
ISBN : 9781449007164

About the Book

Expressing poetry & recording music since 1996,
Michael Jones Jr. now gives you an introduction
into his sacred world of thoughts & prophecies. 
After refusing to perform anywhere in the United States,
Canada, and villages in Zimbabwe –
He releases part one of Visual Thoughts.
He stresses that this is a part of his life-
His happiness & purpose-
“This is beyond words on a page” PROTECT IT.

About the Author


Michael Jones jr.a native of Ohio was born in the early 80’s to a hustling father and a religious mother. After surviving the wild streets - then coming full circle with his African culture by his mid 20’s, He wrote at least two philosophy books that are currently available  only to his students.  His strong and rare leadership skills have been described as a “must have experience” by many of his followers. Michael is also a dedicated philanthropist and expert with early childhood development.