Excellence in Leadership, Volume 1

8 Skills for Leaders of All Ages

by Dr. K. Preston Anderson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/4/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9781420877427

About the Book

People often talk about how the young people of today are the leaders for tomorrow.  However, nearly all of the literature designed to help people develop their leadership skills is geared toward a thirty-something year old who is looking to move ahead in their career.  This book is written to help leaders of all ages – both young and old – develop their leadership skills to their full potential.


            This book is designed in a very practical, easy-to-understand format.  Readers will learn about eight leadership attributes by reading real-life examples of well-known and lesser-known individuals who demonstrate that skill in an extraordinary way.


            This book is ideal for –

·        Young leaders of school governments, Boy Scout groups, religious groups, civic youth councils and others to enhance their own leadership skills.

·        Adult leaders of various youth groups to conduct training courses in the eight areas of focus to assist the young people in becoming better leaders.

·        Leaders of all ages who want help in improving their own abilities in the area of leadership.


Don’t just lead…Lead with Excellence!

About the Author

Dr. Kelly Preston Anderson lives with his wife and three daughters. His work involves teaching high-school and college age students. He also travels as a motivational speaker in conjunction with conferences sponsored by Brigham Young University.

Dr. Anderson holds a bachelor’s degree in Mandarin Chinese, a master’s degree in education, and a doctorate degree in management and organizational leadership. His personal claim to fame is scoring a perfect 800 on the analytical section of the Graduate Record Examination.

Dr. Anderson spends many hours each week working with church and community groups. In his spare time, Dr. Anderson enjoys spending time with his family, working in his garden and working on his computer.