You Have to Eat After You're Divorced

by Peter W Marder



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/17/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 240
ISBN : 9781420879360
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 240
ISBN : 9781420879377

About the Book

Life doesn’t end after divorce! Go ahead … indulge yourself! Eat well and have fun!


When he was 10, Peter W. Marder would sneak into the kitchen to get a peak at what the family cook was dishing up for dinner. By the time he was 16, he was preparing exquisite dinners for his friends. A lifelong love of great food has taken him around the world to explore how the finest eating establishments delight their guests time and again. Now, he presents his passion and knowledge to a population of people who could definitely benefit from this collection of culinary comforts.



Toss those frozen dinners in the garbage! Stop eating to live and start living to eat! You Have to Eat After You’re Divorced offers a collection of more than 300 simple and sensational recipes especially for those who have endured the emotionally draining experience of divorce. A new world of pleasure can be opened just by discovering the wonders of great food, and Marder takes readers right to where it all begins — in the kitchen.


Pick a day and invite a friend over for an innovative and easy-to-prepare meal. Enjoy a range of delectable dishes, from appetizers to salads to seafood to decadent desserts. See how easy it is to change your outlook simply by creating a delicious meal that can be shared with others. You Have to Eat After You’re Divorced is a practical cookbook that also introduces innovative techniques that add flare, not just to the food but to life itself. Enjoy!


About the Author

Peter W. Marder grew up in Berlin, Germany, during World War II.  After graduating in photography and film, light and optic in Munich, he joined the German Press Corp in 1955, and traveled extensively in Europe until 1958 when he relocated to Canada.  There he transitioned in televison and continued traveling, doing documentaries until 1973, when he retired from television. Since that time, Peter Marder has been publisher and owner of several monthly newspapers across the United States and the Carribbean.