Boss Mouse

by Dennis W. Chowen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/8/2005

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9781420890785
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9781420890761

About the Book

Boss Mouse is the self-appointed leader of a colony of mice.  In conducting meetings, Boss Mouse uses a secret formula for his six whiskers and a thorough, meticulous brushing to precisely position every hair on his thick fur coat.


This story is about a mouse who leads the entire colony of mice from its familiar burrow to a new land of safety.  In order for them to find their way, it was necessary to find a map that was on the stomach of a turtle. The problems become how to know which turtle it is and how to read the map to find the directions! They encounter several animals and birds who help them.


Their  leader, Boss Mouse, provides the guidance and the wisdom for the colony to avoid trouble and danger, even though he, with the help of Mrs. Mouse, has to keep track of their mischievous son, Miffit, who is always more interested in playing games, having fun and eating than he is in helping the colony.


Miffit just seems to be in and out of trouble most of the time.   He is whisked up by a whirlwind while he is eating seeds inside of a can and lands in a strange place where he is under the bad influence of some strange talking mice and has to deal with rejection and fear.


Miffit meets a young, nice friend, Andshe, and they begin their journey back to the colony and its safety.  They proceed to find a way to send messages via reflections on a mica rock, sent there using her nails to make a special code that only Boss Mouse is able to decipher.


Boss Mouse arranges for the homecoming and a happy ending for Miffit and Andshe as they start their life new together.


About the Author

 Dennis Chowen, a naturalized American citizen, born in Canada, and raised and educated in the Midwest, is a former elementary school teacher and principal, holding a Masters Degree in Education. He spent a decade in the education field before entering a career with the US Army.


During his first career, he served as five/sixth grade teacher, storyteller, and principal.  He holds a lifetime membership in the National Education Assoc., initiated a GED program, was president of the local teacher’s association, nominated for Outstanding Principal, and is now on the School Board for the third largest area-wide district in the US.


He has recently retired from his second career with the United States Army at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.  During this time, he served on three continents and traveled to more than 40 countries.  In his off-duty hours, he could be found entertaining and delighting children thru his storytelling in youth centers, clubs, and chapel organizations.  Upon retirement, he was awarded the Legion of Merit, the 5th highest peacetime award.


He was inspired for the writing of Boss Mouse by a former student, Mrs. Cari Frazier, who invited him to tell a weekly story to her second grade class.


He resides in Sturgis, SD, with his wife, Roxie, who is a musician and composer of the Boss Mouse theme song.  Their neighbor and close friend, Jeanine Harms, is the illustrator and co-lyricist for the song.  Dennis and Roxie have three adult children living in VA and FL.