Paul's Conclusive Treatise
Book Details
About the Book
This book is a new translation of Paul’s Treatise to the Ephesians into Professional, Contemporary, American English, written for professionals who finally want a no-nonsense answer to the meaning of the significance of their life. It penetrates the ossified “code language” of the Ecclesiastical, Medieval, British/Latin English that has obscured Paul’s essential message for four centuries. The book makes the case that Jesus, our heavenly Commander in Chief, has specially selected each of us to an apprenticeship to discover and accomplish a unique, carefully crafted lifework. His goal is to help us successfully achieve it, and in doing so earn the distinguished qualifications required for leadership in the honorable government of the future world He will found upon His return.
About the Author
Glenn W. Campbell owns and operates his own Professional Engineering practice and teaches in University. He holds a BAT in Mathematics (Sam Houston State University), a ThM (Dallas Theological Seminary) and an MA in Philosophy (University of Dallas). Glenn founded GWC Engineering LP, a Structural/Civil/Forensic Engineering Firm in Dallas, and created the Intentional Leadership Institute to train executives in leadership skills in the professional business community. He has taught Philosophy, Religion, Greek and Mathematics at the University of Dallas, the University of North Texas, Texas Woman’s University, Our Lady of the Lake University and Brookhaven College. Glenn and his wife Sherrie have been married 28 years, have two sons, (23 and 18), a daughter (21), and a daughter in-law (23).