Mommy Please

by Nechelle Banks Dowers



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/31/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781420892314

About the Book

This book is basically calling the attention of mothers, aunts, grandmothers, and other women of influence when it comes to raising our daughters.  Mommy Please suggests prayers to be prayed to ward off future crises and social epidemics in the lives of our daughters. So many countless social epidemics are preventive, especially when praying women will alert to prevailing reoccurring issues within their families. Satan has patterns of tricks. If there has been a history of alcoholism, that can be traced throughout the lives over several decades among the women in a family, then guess what is likely to be a problem for the future generation of women in that family. Let’s institute better prayers into the lives of our daughters, other than prayers asking God for clothes, shoes, food, and a roof for our children.  The children are the arrows of our futures, that must be properly aimed; especially our daughters. And yes, we all need clothes, shoes, food, and a roof, but let’s pray spiritual coverings over our daughters. Why? We need to pray more in depth prayers for our daughters, to stop the predators from molesting our daughters, to pray out the substance abuse tendencies from our daughters, and to pray out sexual promiscuity from our daughters. The focus list of things to pray about is countless. When should you pray? All these prayers need to be prayed while you are raising your daughters. Start as soon as possible. Pray deeply. Why? Your daughters are your investments. If you put nothing within your daughters, then you may as well nothing from your daughters. I raise my hand to say that we all can do better. If your daughter is made in the Image of God, she is worth it all.

About the Author

Mrs. Banks Dowers personally can attest to the ditches that awaits women. She lives in South Georgia. Mrs. Banks Dowers is trying to make others well aware of the pitfalls/agonies that await our girls/daughters.  This author discusses a lot of the hidden agendas within the women subculture.  Mrs. Banks Dowers is married and looks forward to any woman being therapeutically healed, warned, and alerted to the giant pitfalls that can so easily engulf women without warning.