The Papaw Diary

by Dennis W. Shepherd



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/24/2005

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 468
ISBN : 9781420886047
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 468
ISBN : 9781420886016
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781452072791

About the Book

Ghosts.  Ghouls.  Goblins.  Just about every G word that makes your blood turn blue.  It’s in here.  Banshees too.  And one seriously baaaaaaad wizard.  Dragons.  Knights with long poles.  Knights with rusty butts.  It’s all inside these covers.  Two brothers who grow up around a house made of blue and white bricks.  One becomes a singer and the other a teacher.  But both wind up colliding with a tanker truck and die, exploding into space.  In here, I tell you.  There’s also a castle where a man named Rocky falls in love with someone named Katie.  Yeah, pretty yucky stuff, I know.  That’s in here too.  But what happens in that castle will curdle your blood, and make you hurl your lunch.  You got to see that stuff.  Oh, and basketball too.  The most famous basketball game of all time is right inside this book.  Where can you buy a book with so much stuff for less than a thousand dollars?  Hurry, before the author catches on and raises up the price.


(This book was named a finalist in the children's fiction category of the Fresh Voices 2006 Awards, sponsored by the Writer's Marketing Association)



About the Author

Dennis W. Shepherd was once a kid, just like you.  As a second grader he and his best friend were walking to school in the snow and got a really great idea.  They went home and told their moms the snow was too high.  They couldn’t get through!  They spent that entire day waiting for their dads to come home.  It wasn’t fun at all like they planned.  Neither was what their dads did to them when they got home.  Ouch!  In the seventh grade, Dennis got into a fist fight with another kid who took his seat on the porch railing outside the cafeteria. They each earned one black eye and a free trip to the Principal’s Office.  Dennis must have won because he had his very own seat in the Office the rest of the week.  As a grownup–YUCK–he attended advanced studies in ghostology at Ima Haunting U., graduating summa cumma dedda in his class.  He specialized in the identification and classification of ghouls, goblins and banshees.