Unrequited Loves

by Elliott Baker



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/22/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 272
ISBN : 9781420889246
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 272
ISBN : 9781420889253

About the Book

"A wiser, more cheerful book I haven''t read in years.  Baker''s humor always has that snag of reality, like a drop of blood or a dried tear, that turns a belly laugh into a deeply satisfying gut reaction."


"Baker has a sense of the absurb, a gift of characterization and an ear for dialogue which make his prose crackle with laughter and ache with sadness."

Los Angeles Times

"Elliott Baker knows what he loves with the same fierce clarity that he sheds on what he detests."

The New Leader


About the Author

Like the Elliott Baker of UNREQUITED LOVES, writer Elliott Baker was born and grew up in Buffalo, New York, attended Indiana University and served in the infantry during World War II.  His fifteen published works include A FINE MADNESS which was made into a film starring Sean Connery and Joanne Woodward, a new edition of which was recently published by Author House.  His dramatization of his novel THE PENNY WARS, starring the late Kim Hunter, was produced on Broadway and another novel POCOCK & PITT was the basis of the successful CBS television series, retitled ADDERLY.  In 1997, Indiana University honored him with The President''s Medal For Excellence for "making a positive and profound impact in the literary field".