The Messenger of Good for the World




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/9/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 488
ISBN : 9781425916084
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 488
ISBN : 9781425916091

About the Book

Four generations: multiple love stories: love and affection as the bond that holds the family together interspersed with betrayal, violence, death, marriage, business growth, and the rhapsodic pontification of capitalism as the truest religion benefiting its faithful with business success and cash. Since cash is the only pursuit of capitalism, its practice as a religion elevates its faithful to the upper levels of the food chain. The belief in capitalism wipes out the perception of racial inequalities and other social ills as consequences befalling hypocrites who pursue cash and a place at the top of the food chain while denigrating the practice of capitalism. This is story telling at its best with commentary on the American social structure and its capitalistic mechanism that binds the rest of the world. A bind that captivates the main character from a humble third world background to the highest echelon of corporate America. His success up the corporate ladder serves as proof that capitalism is color blind. It only requires strict adherence to its principles. This is the kind of story that is captivating, positive, and motivational. It is social commentary serves sunny side up. Its characters run the gamut of innocence to corrupt government officials. Its sceneries are beautiful and surreal with depictions clear enough for perceptual imaginations of being at the exact location with the characters. The kind of story that calls for repeat reading because of its beauty and positive setting.

About the Author

W. P. WILLIAMS is an accomplished builder, developer, and mortgage broker of residential housing with a focus on median price development. Mr. Williams has traveled extensively throughout the Caribbean and Latin America. Having spent many years in the Caribbean and witnessed the economic backwardness of dictatorship, Mr. Williams embraced capitalism for its ideals of mass production as the surest path to economic empowerment across all social strata.


Mr. Williams has experienced success in both the mortgage lending and residential development fields in the state of Florida. He has had to overcome entry barriers in all his business endeavors and in doing so, he realizes that there is no limitation to success in an open market society. The only limitation is the one created in one’s mind. Surely, there are difficulties with multiple obstacles in the form of insufficient capitalization, lack of experience, lack of knowledge, lack of trust, lack of financing, and even credit score challenges. All of these obstacles are overcome with sheer persistence and a desire to get assistance from any one more knowledgeable about a given venture. This experience led to the realization that there is a shared experience amongst all business people much like practicing similar faiths. This experience engenders common idioms and recognition from practitioners of the free market for the benefit of capital growth. This benefit is where opportunities exist for new comers to step in and amass great wealth. This is why Mr. Williams references capital growth akin to a religion.


Mr. Williams is also academically accomplished with advanced university degrees in the field of business and finance. He was able to draw on his experience and education to create this motivational book about business development in a free market society.