by Robert Sweeten



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/2/2006

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 384
ISBN : 9781425913533
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 384
ISBN : 9781425913526

About the Book

N.Y.C. Homicide Detective Jack Randall, haunted by the horrors of Vietnam, is shaken by his brother Tim’s death in faraway India. Informed the death was from “natural cause,” a mysterious call leads Randall to the ghastly truth. Summoned to the funeral home, Randall is appalled to find Tim’s grisly remains evidence of hideous torture, before being murdered. But the most shocking discovery is that all the body’s transplantable organs have been removed.


So beings a journey to India, to an alien culture that somehow aids him in transcending his psychological problems while finding his brother’s killers.

Methodically stalking his prey – the powerful Gupta family – Randall wreaks on them a terrible vengeance. Having kindled a romance with an American expatriate, Rene’ Wooster, the couple, with her young son, then return to the U.S.

Embarking on a fresh life promising to heal his psychic wounds, Randall’s new-found bliss is disturbed when two murder investigations provoke a sense of foreboding. Unknown to Randall, his worst threat is yet to come.

About the Author

Robert Sweeten is a 1979 graduate of the University of Oklahoma School of Medicine. He has practiced medicine in Oklahoma for twenty-three years. He lives with his wife Rene’ in Seneca, Missouri.