Up From Fabyan, Alberta
An Autobiography
Book Details
About the Book
This an autobiography of a small town Canadian boy, whose attainments and experiences seem highly improbable for someone growing up in a family of limited circumstances on the prairies. For this reason, both family and friends have urged me to record episodes of special interest that have heard discussed in casual conversations over the many years! Included would be tales of struggles-disappointments-failures and mundane laughable situations! Many of these factors entered into helping me reach the goals I set for my life! At first I was very skeptical of the value or interest for such a project, until there was a realization that it would recall my life to those I love and also serve as a model for anyone facing life’s trials of their own!
Ultimately, my life’s dedication was to be caretaker of my family and to excel as a neurosurgeon. Fortunately, I was physically and mentally ready for the demands which would be forthcoming in the future! To me stressful situations were only something to overcome and no deterrent to future plans. To remain healthy, I participated in active athletics-such as hockey-tennis-baseball and ski racing. Academics were also not neglected! Later on, fixation on myself had to be altered to consider the effect of my own activities on my wife and children. An absentee father is of little benefit to his family and I could see that work obscession may be making me be that person! We needed a place of solace, away from the city and our new cottage at the lake “fit the bill!”
Now retospectively, as a senior citizen, I have seen my life’s work and dedications come to fruition! What a wonderful way to now begin to enjoy a less stressful existence! I can only thank God for this privilege and the strength He gave me to carry out my own desires and service to others!