

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/9/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 32
ISBN : 9781425923945

About the Book

The book is intended to teach young children about nature and how close to us nature is every day. It is also intended to teach the children how the birds hatch eggs , clean their nest, and care for their young birds. It also teaches respect for nature and how to observe Nature but not to disturb the Natural process of Birds and Animals. It also teaches some about what this type of bird is like and what it eats and how it sounds in the wild.

About the Author

Jerry W. Porter is a 66 year old retired aerospace worker. He has always been an outdoorsman and observing Nature is not only a hobby but a passion with him. Having lived in many states as well as some foreign countries has increased his awareness of wildlife and  observation abilities. He has always feed wildlife and plants food in his garden for them. He very much enjoys watching the birds on his bird feeders in his yard.

When He started telling my grandkids about the bird in my shoe it seemed like a good idea to write a children’s book and teach them how wonderful nature is and how close to us the wildlife really lives.  This love of  birds and nature is shared by his wife of 44 years.