Scared To Faith

by Valerie D. Opher, RN, MAS, DM



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/20/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781425916589

About the Book

Scared to Faith highlights some of Valerie Opher’s key life experiences as an African-American woman who has worked in not-for-profit as well as for-profit organizations in Corporate America. To be the only and sometimes first African-American woman in several leadership and management positions presented Valerie Opher with many racial and political challenges. Valerie experienced a racial attack by Caucasians that was mentioned on Fox 45 Ten O’clock news in Baltimore, Maryland. She was called a refugee by an African-American woman who was her boss in Charlotte, North Carolina. A Vice-President of a hospital asked Valerie the following question: Who do you think you are the Rosa Parks of Wilmington, North Carolina? While employed as CEO of a community health center in North Carolina, Valerie’s life was threatened.

While employed by a Fortune 500 company, Valerie Opher was asked to tell the other four Black members of a team of 100+ persons not to sit together, because “it makes the rest of the team uncomfortable”. Even though we often rationalize that our inclusion is simply tolerance, how do persons of color in Corporate America maintain and honor our identity when we are fewer in number and are continually challenged to demonstrate acts of respect for White colleagues?

Each of the experiences shared in the book demonstrate Valerie’s determination to acknowledge a higher power that she calls God. Each time that she was faced with a challenging work experience, she ©traveled to self, or communed with her spirit. She learned the importance of acting on the spiritual messages, because they yielded remarkable results every time! Consequently, Valerie Opher learned to become ©scared to faith and very little else.

Scared to Faith is about being scared to the point of believing in a higher power.



About the Author

Valerie Opher, BSN, RN, MAS, DM is a registered nurse licensed in the state of Maryland, and she is currently employed as a Senior Medical Information Scientist focusing on cardiology at a major pharmaceutical company. Before transitioning to a career in the pharmaceutical industry, Valerie Opher worked in nursing, hospital, and healthcare management. Dr. Opher has an extensive educational background that includes degrees in nursing, management, and organizational leadership. Valerie Opher is single, and for the past 5 years, she has lived in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.