Don't You Suppose
A Country Teacher's Study Guide to "Just Suppose"
Book Details
About the Book
About the Book
You want me to write another book! Panic! All these and many others thoughts came rushing in when I was asked to develop a study guide to go with Just Suppose the storybook.
The first book was about “what if”, this one takes up where the first one leaves off and answers some of the many questions that have arisen from those reading it.
It is a chance for me to ask some questions that need to be considered regarding our personal lives as children of God.
What developed, as the work progressed was the uncovering of the hidden teacher and preacher that lies buried within me!
This book can be used as a personal study book or used in small group studies.
Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you as you read this and then act upon His leading! Give glory to the Father as you get to know Him more through this.
About the Author
About the Author
After high school in 1977, he moved to
After leaving the Agape Players, he went on to be an aircraft mechanic and pilot of land and seaplanes. His favorite airplanes are the old "rag wings." He would often give rides in his Piper J-3 Cub to anyone who wanted to go up for the first time. It was during this time he was given the name "Captain Corky", which also resulted in "Captain Corkys Airways".
In 1991, he moved to
He met