Fatherless Boys and Mothers On Their Own

by J. W. Doncan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/7/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781425917081

About the Book

Through poetic form, J.W. Doncan discloses some of society's unwritten behavior codes, discusses gender issues, and points to qualities of responsible adults.  Subtitles and brief essays announce topics that are explored in the subsections of this book.   Her poetry is underscored with Educator and Community Activist sections that feature text analysis questions, essay prompts, and discussion topics for related issues.  Fatherless Boys and Mothers On Their Own is a loyal advocate for our fatherless boys, a literary hug to our community moms, and a siren song to lovers everywhere.

About the Author

J. W. Doncan is one of two siblings raised by a divorced mother on her own.  Ms. Doncan’s early education included a series of ruptures from public and private schools, and their extended family communities throughout Michigan, Texas, and Oregon.  Illinois was where she flexed her emotional muscles in early adulthood, married, and gave birth to her son.  Marriage difficulties led to separation, a return to Oregon, and a divorce from her son’s father.


While working full-time as a teacher of middle and high school students, Ms. Doncan earned a Master’s Degree in Education and also raised her son – on her own.  Presently she is an educator in Oregon at the Thomas Jefferson High School Campus. 


Ms. Doncan’s childhood memories, roller-coaster insecurities while parenting, and experiences while teaching have compelled her to voice the passions she – like many mothers on their own – has for loved ones, love lost, and love yet to come.  Too intense - were it not for poetry.