Genes and Human Nature … From Atoms to "Good & Evil"

by Hussein Amin

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/19/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 292
ISBN : 9781425926519

About the Book

              Mankind is defined not as the animals that have souls, but as the animals that can INVENT ideas, and then TALK about them, (inventiveness and language). Signs of these two momentous abilities are documented to have SUDDENLY started only about 30,000 years ago.  The G-SAT Theory, detailed in this book, offers a SCIENTIFIC frame, for a master-planned, purely physical process, that initiated Mankind.


              DNA is NOT synonymous with 'GENES'. DNA is the ink and paper on which the encoded messages of the genes get recorded.  Every year, we come closer to deciphering how these messages work. With this rapidly progressing scientific discipline, we are getting closer, by the day, to scientifically proving my pre-determined-encoded theory.

About the Author

* Dr.  Hussein A.  Amin,  Professor of Surgery.

* Graduation, 1953, Doctorate of Surgery, Cairo University 1960, Fellowship of the American College of Surgeons 1966.

* In 1957 he founded and headed the Urology specialty in the hospitals of Kuwait, for 22, enjoyable and productive, years.

* Repatriated in Egypt in 1979.

* Married, with two sons and five grandchildren.

* An avid reader, for over half a century, particularly in the two challenging fields of:  Modern Science, and Human Nature.

*In 1991 he divided his day into two parts: in the mornings he is a very busy surgeon; in the evenings he enjoys, very much, reading and writing books and articles. He has seven successful far, and an eighth under publication.