The Poet's Family Album

by Calvin Towler



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/12/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781425934200

About the Book

You may love photography or heritage scrap booking, remembering gentler, less complicated, romantic times. Or you may be a history buff. And, you may enjoy poetry and prose. If you do, you will certainly find a feast of history, poetry and family in these pages.


This book celebrates the life of a man who was born a story teller and lived the life of a poet. His poetry and life were one. His family traveled at his side on this incredible journey. All of life's experiences became the stuff out of which his verses emerged and lived. I often traveled with him: I'm his oldest son Calvin, and co-author of this book.

About the Author

"These thoughts are about the author of this book, who worked with my future wife at a home for severely abused children." 


"Ten years ago I was standing in a parking lot waiting for the gentleman who was going to marry my self and my bride. I heard a man behind me say, "You want a big gulp?" What is a big gulp I thought as I turned and saw the kindest eyes I had ever seen staring at me? There was a crystal-clear gentleness that oozed from the man I just barely met. As we drove to the local 7/11 the conversation was designed to feel each other out. Therefore, I sensed he was trying to collect information about who I was. We sat and talked for an hour or so and he digested my answers to his questions - I was doing the same with his. If this was to be a war of wits and understanding, then I was on the losing end of the stick because I was taken by his acceptance of self. I became cognizant of Cal Towler's complete personal security. As he talked about marriage, my wife's children, his marriage and family plus the future, I realized his years of selflessness and charitable trust was an open book. He shared his unquenchable love for his wife of many years with me, a perfect stranger. Within the hour I met a man who was to become a trusted hero."


"Cal wears his faith in our Lord like a Brooks Brothers suit. It is a perfect fit."


Eddie Foy III