"Our Cat Jingles"

by Renee Irvin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/21/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781425936204

About the Book

This is a book about a cat named Jingles. She is no different from any other cat except that she is very special to her owners.  It is intended for pre-school children and uses silly words to describe the unique and varied personalities of a cat.   

About the Author

This is the second book for the author, Renee Irvin.  Her first book "The Rag Dolls of Rockville" was written as a fund raising effort for the Hockanum Valley Community Council, Inc., a non-profit group that provides food, counseling and eldercare for the people of her community.  The success of this book encouraged her to write a second, "Our Cat Jingles." Ms. Irvin has an extensive cloth doll collection and prides herself in the knowledge of  this collection and other antiques.  She is also a mixed media artist as well as the CEO of a large Medical Group Practice.  Renee finds writing to be a great outlet.  She prefers to write all her stories in rhyme form, which her three grandchildren, Logan, Dominic, and Dennis Jr., just love.  Renee & her husband Scott have lived in Tolland Connecticut for six years.  She finds the people and places of Connecticut inspirational.