It's Midnight & I'm Not Famous Yet

by W. P. Strange

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/3/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781425932541
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781425932558

About the Book


An Honorable Mention in Writer’s Digest Self-publishing Book

Awards, Literary/Mainstream Category



By W. P. Strange


“….a painful journey….told with heartbreaking clarity.

….the style and grace of W. P. Strange’s writing…. Will

leave you wanting more….”

BRAVO, David Chivers


“Frank’s sarcastic but lovable voice…his sense of

humor, and honest introspection make him….a

character I care about….The narration is so personal,

so soul bearing….the language is poetic and rhythmic

….Great observations about people and life. The dialogue

is natural and engaging…an author…making an artistic

attempt to go above and beyond.”


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IT’S MIDNIGHT & I’M NOT FAMOUS YET, a new novel by W. P. Strange


     Every life has its challenges, and David’s is no exception. After a lifetime battling the pain and damage that hemophilia has done to his joints, a blood product, factor VIII, meant to slow the advancement of the disease has infected him, and 90% of hemophiliacs with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS and the death toll begins to mount. Now as he is about to turn the big four-O, someone told his employer at the architectural firm where he has worked for fifteen years that David has AIDS and he is fired. Muriel, his wife seems to be drifting away and he thinks he is trying too hard to live vicariously through his two sons and their little league team. Then when a close friend who also has hemophilia and is HIV positive, commits suicide David begins to feel the hopelessness of the predicament. But he has never learned how to quit, and does the only thing he can think of, he starts over. With the help of a psychologist who David thinks is a bit out of touch, he begins to rebuild his life again.


About the Author

W. P. Strange is a writer and editor and has written dozens of short stories and a novel, “Before the Monkeys Came” which won a 2001 Writer’s Digest Award. He and his wife have two adult children and live in the Berkshires of Massachusetts.