Dreaming On The Moon

by Justinah McFadden

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/9/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781425932169

About the Book

Dreaming on the moon is written with wittiness, love and a heartfelt passion which keeps readers engulfed with admiration. Third time author Justinah McFadden delivers poetry in her own unique style. This element of poetry shows her continued maturity and encroachment in her inscription. Page after page delivers a realism, which the human race can both relate to and be astounded of.


About the Author

Dreaming on the Moon is an account of poetic mastermind which touches the soul. Third time author Justinah McFadden writes in a truth which she owns each poetic line. The author lives in New York were she is currently publishing her fourth book, which is her first collection of short stories. She has plans to pursue the publication of her first novel in 2007. Justinah is a distinguished member of the International Library of Congress for poetry and has been nominated poet of the year for 2005. Justinah has also worked in law enforcement for the past two years. Most of her poems about violence and her distaste for it stems from her personal experiences both as a victim and advocate of violence.