A Conscious Liability

by Craig W. O'Vinny



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/22/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 364
ISBN : 9781425936648

About the Book

A truly uplifting story of personal redemption.

James McBryde 1V is a very privileged and good looking young man, whose immense wealth has only served to perfect his skill of living a wasteful and hedonistic lifestyle.

When it is all suddenly taken from him, he is faced with the stark realisation that he must actually earn a living through his own ability.

 ‘Jim’ refuses the easy return to self-indulgence and seizes the opportunity to become a useful and respected human being. But his lack of any commercial experience leaves him with just one choice. Much derided and against near impossible odds, he sets out to develop his modest sporting talent into becoming a professional golfer.


He encounters many comic, lustful and serious adventures in his quest to find a different world


‘A Conscious Liability’ is a lesson in how sheer grit and determination can turn dreams into reality.

About the Author


Like most people – whose adult life is pre-occupied by the commercial necessities of bringing up a family – the author hoped one day that his love of writing might materialise into a novel.  Finally, as a septuagenarian his dream is in print.


Born in London in 1936, but evacuated during WW11 to amongst other places, Biggleswade and Sheffield, he eventually returned to North London where he attended a private grammar school. He was just sixteen when the school closed which precipitated the decision to leave further education and  assist his ailing father in the family furniture business – thus putting his artistic aspirations on ‘hold’ for over half a century.


In 1962 he married Frances, a Brightonian: famous for introducing ‘Discount Designer Fashion’ into Britain.

For the past twenty five years they have lived on the Sussex Coast, from where their two sons have long since flown the nest in order to produce four delightful grandchildren.  


His other passion in life is the game of golf. Self-publishing an instructional book in 1996 called:


‘The Secret of the Golf Swing’


which he believes, is essential reading for the ‘mentally and physically challenged’ golfer.