When I Get to Heaven

The Lord Willing

by Howard W. Brown



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/17/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781477233559
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 242
ISBN : 9781463433437
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 242
ISBN : 9781463433420

About the Book

This beautifully crafted memoir explores the life of the Reverend Howard William Brown, a senior pastor with the United Methodist Church, with powerful stories of one man’s inner quest to grasp the very nature of eternity. When I Get to Heaven achieves a memorable portrait of Reverend Brown’s dynamic spiritual journey, from his early childhood memories to an enlightened vision of the great beyond. Penned in the final year of his life, the book reveals deep insights into the ‘great spirit of expectation’ that captivates us while on earth and illuminates our path toward life eternal. From his last notes:

I am not afraid of my journey past this life. Heaven is wonderful and I could talk forever about eternity, but I will only say that I am not afraid to go on. How did I come to be a believer? The walk I have taken began in a crowded bakery in the 1930s in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where I stood in line for my mother, waiting nervously to order one dozen coconut jelly cakes. Somehow, I found my way, many years later, to the steps of Drew Seminary where I found the grace ― and the words ― to begin to become a preacher. Yet there was more to come ― much more ― before I would step into my first pulpit. As life would have it, I would go off to war to find the prayer I did not know was in me, the prayer that would lead me to the ministry ― but that was years away, and I still had many life lessons to learn.

About the Author

An ordained minister for the United Methodist Church, the Reverend Howard William Brown served in nine parishes across the country, from Pittsburgh to Los Angeles, for fifty-two years. He began his ministry in the Western Pennsylvania Conference until in 1961, a love of the wide-open spaces led him West to a small desert parish in Arizona, where he became engaged with global missions. He traveled to remote areas of South Korea and Japan along with a team of Conference delegates to spread the word of Jesus Christ in other cultures. From1968 to 1973, Reverend Brown performed the first of many biblical dramatizations in a theater-in-the-round style chancel in South Pasadena. A member of the Southern California [en dash] Hawaii Conference, he also served churches in Riverside and San Diego counties, delivering his message on the vitality of life beyond earth. Throughout his remarkable tenure, Reverend Brown focused on a deep commitment to ecumenical and educational ministries, and a love of the natural environment that led to thirty-seven years of backpacking trips into the Grand Canyon. He graduated from West Virginia Wesleyan University with a B.A. in psychology, and earned his ministerial degree from Drew Seminary.