"The Lord Knows the Way Through the Wilderness"

. . . all we have to do is follow




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/17/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 688
ISBN : 9781425984830

About the Book

"My Lord knows the way through the wilderness,

All I have to do is follow, strength for today is mine always

And all that I need for tomorrow.

My Lord knows the way through the wilderness

All I have to do is follow."

                                                               ~Sidney E. Cox


As our children sang so enthusiastically this little chorus we taught them, we trusted that not just the words, but their hearts and minds might be impacted by the truths they sang.


Well, life is a wilderness. We tread on paths we've never traveled before. Take, for instance, that day when the phone rang and we heard the voice of our landlady saying, "You folks must be out of the house in a month. Don't tell anyone you are moving until I let you know when the man I am dealing with has signed the contract. I don't want to be bothered with people wanting to rent this house."

Where were we to go in the dead of winter?  Read the words of the little chorus again - are they true? Read on and see what happened.

What happens when marriage occurs and later children come along? Those experiences are like a wilderness too - for one has never walked that way before. Does God lead and guide through that wilderness; and if He does, how does He do it?

Carl and I sought wisdom for our lives from His precious Word - the Bible. All we learned we endeavored to share with our six dear children to provide guidance for them as they too, face the wilderness of an unknown future. Let me share with you what we learned..

What do you do when the dearest one on earth tells you "I have inoperable, terminal cancer." What then? Does God lead both through that wilderness, too? He promised his grace would be sufficient- was it? Read about those days and see if the words of that little chorus prove true.



About the Author

Elvera Denning lives on a mountainside near the little town of Alderson, West Virginia. She has walked through many wildernesses in life and would enthusiastically say to you today... "THE LORD KNOWS THE WAY THROUGH THE WILDERNESS...all we have to do is follow".