Arab King's 469 Concubines & Other True Stories


by Major Jerry Sola, U.S.A. Infantry (Ret.)



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/19/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 180
ISBN : 9781425935481

About the Book

Regarding the King's Harem of 469 Concubines, gain intimate details of how it worked. Why was a bookkeeping system required?

In other true stories the author reveals how he, as a 19 year old Infantry Private, soon became a Sergeant in charge of a Platoon of approximately 50 soldiers. He then shortly received a Battle Field Commission in the rank of Lieutenant with the job of Platoon Leader. Share his adventures in the Mountains of Italy in World War II as he shares his memories of surviving three major engagements: Rome Arno, Appennines & the Po Valley.

His autobiography also reveals how he traveled or lived in over thirty countries and recounts the many amusing and very unusual situations and true stories he encountered. He gives you an unbiased opinion of the places he visited; including the ones that so gripped his mind and heart that their image is emblazoned in his mind.

Finally as a civilian, he turned work into fun by finally finding the right job. What is the secret of how and why he kept this job for twenty years? He also discovered how to invest and make large profits safely from one basic rule.

About the Author

Jerry Sola was born during a revolution in Managua, Nicaragua. He weighed 12 pounds at birth. His father brought the doctor at pistol point.  Jerry has lived or traveled in 30 different countries. He is a graduate of  Georgia Tech.

His father captured 75 Germans in World War II while serving with a Scotish Regiment.  He received the Silver Star for heroism.  He also was the first Military Governor of Franfurt, Germany after World War II