Improve Your Eyesight with EFT*

*Emotional Freedom Techniques

by Carol Look, EFT Master



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/18/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781425949587

About the Book

Based on an experiment conducted by EFT Master, Carol Look, “Improve Your Eyesight with EFT” invites you to improve your vision by releasing pent up emotions stored in your eyes.  Emotions such as fear, guilt, anger and shame show up in every other part of our anatomy and physiology, why not in our eyesight?

Considering that few doctors or lay people even entertain the idea that our eyesight could be improved by balancing our energy system with a simple method such as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), the final results of the experiment were nothing short of fantastic.  Approximately 75% of participants reported between a 15-75% improvement in their vision….just from tapping on acupressure points while focusing on their emotions!  EFT is the ideal tool to address emotional blocks that have been preventing you from seeing clearly.


About the Author

Carol Look’s specialty is inspiring people to attract abundance and success into their lives by using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to clear limiting beliefs, release resistance and build “prosperity consciousness.”  Before transforming her practice with Energy Psychology methods such as EFT, Carol was trained as a Clinical Social Worker and earned her Doctoral Degree in Clinical Hypnotherapy. She was among the first group of practitioners in the world to be certified as an EFT Master.


Carol maintains a private practice in New York City and leads EFT workshops around the world on Attracting Abundance, Anxiety Relief, Pain Control, and Weight Loss for people ready to break through barriers to success in any part of their life.


Carol is the author of Attracting Abundance with EFT, and two of the field’s classic training manuals on weight loss and smoking cessation.  Carol hosts the popular internet radio show Attracting Abundance: The Energy of Success.