
by William Allen Strunk



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/1/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9781425939656

About the Book

I sit in the swing on the front porch each night, look out across my moonlit farm, and experience a quiet solitude that brings me peace.  I reminisce about days gone by, and a smile captures my soul.  I have no regrets.  I’ve had a wonderful life.


I saw Jasmine up close for the first time, and she took my breath away.  I thought, “This is the most beautiful creature God has ever put on this earth.”


          We met at church every chance we got.  When the service was over, we’d walk out to the parking lot together and then talk for a while.  Jasmine’s house was only a hundred yards away, and when she left to walk home, I watched her until I knew she was safely home.  As I watched her leave, a sad and lonely feeling always came over me.  That wasn’t the way it was supposed to be.  We were supposed to be going home together.


          “Chase, you and Jasmine are like oil and water.  Two people couldn’t be more different.  You’re educated, and she ain’t.  You come from a rich, highfalutin family, and she comes from poor folks.  She’ll never fit in.  My daughter’s just gonna end up unhappy for the rest of her life, and I ain’t gonna allow that to happen.”


           I went by the library every day for two weeks to see if Jasmine was there.  She wasn’t.  I went to church every Sunday, hoping to see her, but she never came.  “You’re wasting your time, Chase.  She’s never going to come back,” I told myself each time.  But I kept going back…and waiting…and hoping.

About the Author

The Knoxville News-Sentinel says, “William Allen Strunk has a talent and passion for telling his stories.  As he was putting down roots in the soil of Appalachia, he was developing the foundation for what can only be described as a calling.  Perhaps it is coincidence that Strunk, who shares his name with another noted teacher and writer, would find his niche as a novelist, telling stories drawn from his rich history.  Then again, maybe it really is, quite literally, the career of a lifetime.”

William Allen Strunk is a retired schoolteacher.  He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Tennessee and a Master of Arts degree from Union College.  He is a former Maryville City Schools “Teacher of the Year” and was honored by the University of Tennessee as an “Outstanding Public School Teacher.”   

Other novels by Strunk include Real and Forever Home, The Gardener’s Grandson, and Good Hearted Man.   He has two sons and lives in Maryville, Tennessee, with his wife of thirty-two years, Kathy.