I Came Through It All "I Kept the Faith" I Will Walk Again

by Teyona Webb and Mary Vinson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/2/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 100
ISBN : 9781425969240

About the Book

I Came Through It All

"I Kept the Faith"

I Will Walk Again


This book was put and brought forth through pain and joy, it tells you how it begins, with the pain and then all of a sudden it happens...

At the age of 3 years old, she was paralyzed from the waist down; a car accident threw a little girl back and back further in her life but she kept on believing that things were going to change.

This book will help you to not let go of what you are capable of doing, or not to look at how it looks, but in what you believe in, with prayer in your heart you can go through anything. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).

It tells how she got started with Shriner's Hospital and how they stepped in and helped a little girl at the age of 8 years old, which took time and help a little girl. A man saw that she needed help for Christmas, (the sheriff of Orangeburg, SC, Doc, Shantay, and the rest of the staff). The sheriff, Doc, and Shantay went to the Red Cross in that city to inquire of some families for Christmas. At the same time the grandmother, Mary Vlnson, of Teyona, was so happy in doing something special for Teyona on Christmas, but did not have the money to do for her grandchildren, look how it happen that the family, the sheriff, and Shantay, of the same department picked their family and saw the application of what the grandmother had put in for her granddaughter Teyona and other grand's with her.

This book will as well tell how Teyona got involved with Shriner's Hospital, as you know, and their assistant they did not know about, and the kind of help they offered, that was free, until a very kind man came by to see what all he could do for them on Christmas, and then he asks "what's wrong with the baby, Teyona?" Mary Vinson explalned what's wrong with Teyona and what had happen. Dan Ellis asked "Have you ever tried Shriner's?" Ms. Vinson replied, "Well, no, you see I didn't know about Shriner's and how they help people for free," so he went and got her an application, and she filled it out and "wow," look what happened.



Sheriff Larry Williams, Dan Ellis, Bob Bruner, The Smoaks family and organization, and The Shriner's Omar Organization.

And a special thanks to Doc & the team for building the ramp onto the house we used to stay in.


About the Author

At the age of ten, I was confronted that my grandmother wanted to write a book about me and how I “Came Through It All,” (that’s how the book got its name); with the beautiful smile I always had in such times like these with joy and happiness. I said “Yes grandmother let’s do it.” So my grandma and I went on to work on writing the book, on how we got started and why I’m in this shape I’m in. “Read the book” and you’ll see what I’m talking about.”

At that time I was homebound, I had professional teachers to come to tutor me, nurses and aids had to come as well. I had to lay-one way to do my homework, but I didn’t stop there, I would rest a while and go back at it. My classmates came to see me when I had broken my leg, I still had good grades and I had passed the 5th grade.

Hopefully this book will inspire others in my shape to become more confident in their self and to keep going forth until they reach their goal in life.


Teyona Laquita Webb