Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

More Ideas for Advancing Your Business

by Kenneth W. Keller



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/2/2006

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781425948023
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781425948016

About the Book



“Sometimes businesses become so complex that it’s easy to take one’s eye off the ball. Generally, when management is truly passionate, focused, and committed to achieving company performance goals their business is successful. I feel this book will serve as a valuable tool to inspire the very passion and commitment businesses need to remain on top of their game.” —Jim Reid, Vice President, Budget Rent a Car of Southern California


"Ken Keller is one of the most insightful business advisors I have ever met, from the standpoint of being able to zero in on what really matters in building a successful business. His advice essentially comprises everything they don't teach you in college about running a company." —Tom Jackson, Stonewall Ventures, Charlotte, North Carolina


“Ken, like no other author, has a unique way of sending a clear message in a manner that we can all receive. He has a knack of summarizing the works of others, giving his own sound business advice and just leaving us feeling a whole lot better. He helps to stuff our knapsacks with tools we can use today and with ideas that will prepare us for the future.” —Georgene Waterman, Ph.D., Leadership One, Sacramento, California


"Ken couples 'common sense' business practices with a code of professional ethics and integrity.  The result is a set of inspirational and practical tips for CEOs, business owners and other top executives!" —Lee Self, President, Renaissance Executive Forums of Northern Virginia


“If a business owner had the choice between an MBA and reading Ken Keller on an on-going basis, there's no question in my mind . . . study Ken Keller . . . start with IMPROVISE. ADAPT. OVERCOME." —Jim Neidhardt, The Country's Most Uniquely Qualified Success Coach™, Whippany, New Jersey


"In a world of overcrowded business books, Ken Keller hits a home run. He packs practical, sometimes funny, and always dead-on ideas you can implement today into his latest book."  —Maureen Boyt, Turning Point Consulting Group, Ft. Collins

About the Author

Ken Keller is an author, business consultant and speaker. Following a career with Nestle (Hills Bros. Coffee), Coca-Cola Foods (Minute Maid) and Sugar Foods (Sweet n’ Low) he founded his consulting enterprise in 1994.


The mission of STAR (Strategies, Tactics, Action, Results) Business Consulting, Inc. is to “educate, motivate and inspire business owners to improve their businesses and their lives.”


He has assisted over 3,000 businesses and organizations. Currently he works with small and mid size business owners in formal peer groups for education, accountability and problem solving. He also works with non profit boards of directors to achieve success through effective strategic planning and acountability. He and his wife Donna reside in Valencia, California.