The Philosophers Stone Of Expedition Leadership

by W. A. Donkin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/1/2006

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781467017459
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 452
ISBN : 9781425954734

About the Book

The interest in and inspiration for this book was derived from the author's background experience and knowledge of adventure expeditions. This valuable experience can be detected within the text of this work but its' attractiveness is derived from the observation of other experienced members of expedition teams around the world. The challenge of adventure expeditions are part of the reason why expedition leaders and team members choose to face unfamiliar situations such as difficult weather or terrain, changes in travel plans or using new equipment and adventurous pursuit in a strange or unknown place. The problems to be faced can of course never be fully predicted. The challenge of this uncertainty is one of the reasons why people become involved in expeditions but it is also the source of conflict and danger. It is the management of these diverse and changing factors that are the concern of the leader, a complex and dynamic process.

It can be implied that adventurous expeditions are demanding experiences full of opportunities and potential problems. This later proposition can be justified as a result of previous bad practice and unsavoury incidents within the sphere of outdoor adventure. The indications are that expedition leaders need to share good practice and should possess the required leadership qualities. They need to consider developing suitable guidelines that could give an outline of the roles and responsibilities of an expedition leader. There appears to be a need to identify the desired qualities of expedition leaders in order to develop the essential professional training programmes and safe expeditions that use good practice.

About the Author

Dr. William A. Donkin

BSc(Hons) CertEd CMS PhD

William A. Donkin was born in 1960, the son of a coal-miner from Brandon, just outside the cathedral city of Durham. His experience as a leader of adventurous outdoor activities and expeditions was developed through opportunities provided by Her Majesties Forces. Many of the expeditions he has been involved in were a unique learning encounter designed to provide skills and insight through experience. He worked in co-operation with others to strive for mastery of skills and to discover the talents and abilities of group members. The activities were usually fast paced and utilised hands-on learning. William's recent involvement in outdoor activities is substantial in that he has organised and carried out expeditions with numerous groups around the country. He feels that his work with young people and Durham University Exploration Society has been particularly rewarding. Many of the competent members of the society have travelled to many and varied parts of the world. Over the years he has developed a distinct philosophy on outdoor education and believes that good leadership is not convincing people to do it his way but to ensure that everyone's ideas are heard.

The Expedition Advisory Centre within the Royal Geographical Society is the main authority for advice on planning major expeditions in the United Kingdom. William is an RGS fellow and is on their 'expedition list' and list of lecturers on expedition topics. He has organised and presented lectures and workshops to universities, colleges, clubs and societies, corporate companies and young people. He has planned a number of expeditions and provided a wide variety of talks and practical demonstrations on expedition topics. He has worked for the Universities of Northumbria, Sunderland and Durham and has recently successfully completed his Doctorate in Expedition Leadership.
