Lyric & Rhymes

For Now and All Time

by Shari L. Pickup



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/21/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 76
ISBN : 9781425948450

About the Book

Lyric And Rhymes For Now And All Time; is considered a book of poetry. But I would call it a book of song lyrics waiting for the music notes. Most of the lyrics were written with a tempo in mind. The entire composition is speckled with poems through out. With in the book itself you will find advice, love, peace, happiness and hopefully courage. For any one who might need some.

This book captures your attention and makes you think. Hit by realization about how it does apply to your life. First chapter is for family, friends, and foes. We all have one. The second was written for fun and also courage. The third is the odd side, but I would call it the chapter with harmony of hip-hop, waist moving, and rock you away beat. God inspired the fourth.

About the Author

The poems and song lyrics you are about to read are all about Shari L Bennett Pickup and the different stages she went through in her life. They are inspired by phases in life and challenges met through out it. God speaking to her soul writes some she claims. You will notice through out the book there is dedications to loved ones and not so loved ones. Good and bad times. Filled with confusion and misunderstandings. All are written from the heart.

She grew up in the most known city in Pennsylvania. Her life was not much different than other girls her age. Most of the time she enjoyed life and being alive. Sometimes enjoyed being alive too much. She found herself married with two kids by the age of twenty-one. Filling for divorce at twenty-two, while others her age were off having fun. She was raising two baby boys on her own. Most of the time she was pretty happy, but she struggled once in a while. She believes the problems and hardships made her who she is today. She would not change a thing if she had to do it all over again.

Life is full of challenges and phases that we all must go through to learn who we are. We learn by the way we handle life’s little surprises and problems. Some surprises are happy. Some are not so. We as individuals must learn from our mistakes and take credit for them. Everything you have done and is doing now or in the future makes us who we want to be. This is found in our thinking when we are met with a challenge or sudden change. We must think clearly. The only way you can do this is to: “GET IT OUT.” Shari was inspired to write things down in a poetic matter. Life is not always fair she claims, and needless to say, it ever will be. Writing helps her to process her problems in a different kind of way. Some of the songs were written before she processed the matter in a clear healthy way. You will see what I mean as you read.

She is just a person like you and me. With needs and wants. She jokingly claims to have walked threw shit up to her head, not knowing when it was going to stop. Sometimes she thought she was going to drown. Now when looking back at what she wrote, she can understand where her emotions and feelings were at the time. Some are looked back on as a realization of change in who she was and who she is now. Some upsets were thought to be problems, but turned out to be a blessing. “You learn from your mistakes.” Some mistakes are meant to be. It is like they seem to be a mistake at first, but they turn out to be perfect. To sum it up into a couple of words it goes like this. “Falling into a pile of shit and coming out smelling like roses.”

Shari hopes you enjoy reading her book as much as she enjoyed writing it. She also hopes you find inspiration, peace, love, joy, courage and happiness from it. Especially not intending to offend anyone from her young wild days and opinions. Some were feelings that passed away. Others she holds close and dear wishing them to stay. She would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this book. Enjoy, and thanks for picking this book to read. The first chapter is dedicated to Family, friends, and foes. If you would like to send your opinion or thought along Please e-mail