Shades of Northern Light

The Life and Times of a Voyageur in Modern Canada

by John W. Ekstedt



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/25/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 272
ISBN : 9781425957056

About the Book

 This book is an account of one man’s introduction to modern Canada. It is a memoir, a primer on social change, and a portrayal of the nuances that make Canada its own place in the North American landscape.


It is about Canadian identity-especially as contrasted with the neighbor to the south. It tells of the continuing drama of Canada’s first people and their relationship with the dominant settler society.


The author sees his life as part of the weave in the Canadian fabric-similar to the voyageurs whose ventures opened the country to a new people-and he follows the thread of it for over forty years of discovery.


About the Author

The author was born and educated in the United States. He became a Canadian citizen in 1973. He completed military service and received baccalaureates in science and theology prior to arriving in Canada with his family on January 6, 1966. He had been called to serve a church parish in north central Alberta. He completed graduate studies while working in Canada.


For over forty years he has served in Canada as a pastor, a leader in programs for social change, a government administrator and a university professor. He is widely published in the fields of justice and education and has received several awards for his work.