Dance With The Devil

The AIDS Conspiracy

by W. W. G. Hale



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/6/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9781425969288

About the Book

“Too risky you say”? Repeated Ari, his voice raising a couple  of notches.He wiped the perspiration from his pallid face. Miko was silent, knowing all too well the truth


“You needed a real live volunteer, and regardless of your opinion, I damn well qualify for the experiment. I want to do this not just for me or for you, but for the millions of faceless and powerless people across the planet, regardless of creed, color or country.”  The worry line grew heavier on Simon’s face.


 “I just can’t.” Simon said, nodding his head. Ari coughed and took a deep breath.

“Suppose I was one of your disposable minorities, which of course isn’t hard to find, what would you do?  One way or another you know that volunteers aren’t hard to come by,”  he said with a pause, coming closer to his colleagues.   “Remember the Syphilis experiment that happened between 1931 thru 1972? If someone didn’t blow the whistle, we would probably still be doing it. And remember the dumping of the donated blood of Ethiopian Jews in < s t 1 : c o u n t r y-region>Israel saying it was tainted with AIDS? Medical experiments has been going on for centuries partner, we all know that”.

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"I loved you from the first moment I saw you Simon, and no one or anything can change that," said Debbie.

About the Author

Winston Windsor Hale is from the island of Jamaica and was raised among a family of avid readers and lovers of sports. His parents, always reading something, would challenge his young mind through reading and table discussions. Around age 10, he was introduced to “Wee Wisdom” Magazine by his Aunt Grace, and the passion for reading reached beyond the borders of his island home. Intrigued by what he had read, he was encouraged to read even more. Becoming obsessed with the mystery and its impact on human conditions around age 12, he was led to read Homer’s Iliad, Dante’s Inferno, Tolstoy’s War & Peace, Charles Dickens Tale of Two Cities & A Christmas Carol, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Hiawatha, Moby Dick, Count of Monte Christo, and about half the works of William Shakespeare and about two hundred others during his teen years.


In the early 70s, he migrated to the USA with his family who first worked for one of the top Advertising Agencies in NY, moving on to ABC TV, and later traveling to Miami, Florida, becoming the founder of Caribbean Chamber of Commerce.


In 1992, he was selected to be included in the International Biographical Institute of Cambridge, England and, was presented in 1998 with a highly prestigious Award by the United States Treasury.


Even with all the accolades and successes, Winston’s real passion is writing stories that serve to jolt the human consciousness into a higher state of reality, and the “WHAT IF’s” of our existence.


Winston is also an avid tennis player, loves horses, kayaking and the laughter of children.

Carpe Diem