Trapped Between the Extremes of Good and Evil

The story of an international serial killer, angels and demons, one twin brother's hatred of the other, and a San Francisco detective caught in the middle of it all.

by Jerry Dampier



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/18/2006

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 328
ISBN : 9781425959272
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 328
ISBN : 9781425959289

About the Book

Good and evil are as old as ethics or morality itself. For without an understanding of religious or philosophical ethics, the moral existence of good and evil would be impossible to comprehend; the term good, for example, would be exclusively a matter of subjective personal likes and dislikes—in other words, a mere matter of taste, differing from individual to individual with no real obligation to the public good or safety. As it currently stands in philosophy, for instance, the term good may be understood as engaging in righteous conduct; the term good may also be understood as an object that corresponds and fulfills natural needs inherent in human nature. These natural needs, for example, which are deeply, rooted in human nature, manifest themselves in our human desire for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, among other things. In these two senses, the term good is an objective universal value, based on the reality of man (by man I mean human beings everywhere, of course). From natural needs, we derive the doctrine of human rights. It logically follows that the things we have a natural human need for, we as human beings also have a natural right to. This idea is not only used in the real world that you and I live in; it is also used in the storyteller’s world of fiction or imaginary literature.

Anything working to defeat or frustrate the good in the real world or in the storyteller’s world is judged evil. This is of the utmost importance to those who believe in right and wrong. For right and wrong always follow good and evil. Society can never know what right or wrong is in the domain of social human affairs, without first knowing what is good and what is evil, and what makes it so. In Trapped Between the Extremes of Good and Evil, we enter a fictional world and explore the phenomenon of good and evil through the actions of an international serial killer, angels and demons, one twin brother’s hatred of the other, and a San Francisco detective caught in the middle of it all.

About the Author

Jerry Dampier is a novelist and philosophical essayist as well as a screenwriter and song lyricist. His novels include The Pedagogy and the Boys from Beal Alley Boulevard and The Downfall and Rise of Steven Leroy Zienner. He is also the President of Books By Dampier, Inc. Visit the BBD website at

Born in Ohio, Jerry currently lives in San Francisco, California.