White Feather

by Joanna W. Walkington



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/8/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 104
ISBN : 9781425974848

About the Book

White Feather is an imaginative, fast moving story of intrigue, growing up and lust for adventure in the 1940s, as a group of school age children deal with the conflicts of war and the hidden moral messages that spring up into their lives when they least expect it. A child’s world is his own and as the prospect of danger and excitement creep into their small village of Cumbria, it proves to be an adventure that is too tempting to ignore. Cram packed full of fast moving twists, hidden secrets, and daring challenges, the children must learn to deal with the consequences of war, and the strong bond of friendship that holds them together as they attempt to solve the secrets of ‘The man in the woods’.

About the Author

Joanna W Walkington is a 23 year old student of Social Sciences at Moray College in Scotland, she is on her final year and has high hopes of progressing forward with her studies in the future. Joanna Walkington has been writing books since she was 10 years old and this is the second book she has had published, the first was a book of poetry published in 2005, but she now spends nearly all of her spare time writing fictional novels. Joanna is an extremely creative person and plays various musical instruments including the trumpet, cornet and flugelhorn. Joanna finds that the best way of communicating involves pen and paper allowing the writer to explore avenues of imagination that only paper can give honour too. Her greatest dream is to write a novel that could be dramatised as film, and as high hopes that as time progresses this dream may become a reality.