Covington, Kentucky, A Historical Guide

by Tom Dunham



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/15/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781425972509

About the Book

Tracing the history of Covington, Kentucky from its beginning in 1815 to the 21st century, the text and photographs depict a medium size city developing a solid manufacturing base and ample retail only to slide into economic decline with a falling population following World War II. Attention has been given to the city’s annexations (and lack of), all of which bore significantly on Covington’s fortunes.

A second theme discusses an activist city government adopting policies leading to major new construction projects, both commercial and residential, as well as to the restoration of many historic homes and buildings, all of which have given the city a new vitality. The stages of growth, decline, and turnaround are discussed within the city's historic areas of the riverfront, public square, and Madison and Pike Streets.

About the Author


Tom Dunham has published three previous books on local history: Charleston in the 20th Century, Wheeling in the 20th Century (both W.Va cities), and Dayton, Ohio in the 20th Century.