Blonde Ponderings

by Carol E. Morgan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/8/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9781425968700

About the Book

Blonde Ponderings of Carol:


I have had 28 jobs and have lived and worked in 3 states.  My mother and I have traveled the planet for the past 20 years and have been in almost every major city in the world.  I have met and known hundreds of people and have gleaned something from each and every one of them; be it good, bad or indifferent.  I must have a real different memory, because I never forget something someone says.  All these thoughts have been in my head for so long, I figured I must put them on paper.  This is a compilation of what I have learned, felt and wondered.  I published this book for my friends and family as my legacy to them.  I wanted it to be a "bathroom book"  to give them a chuckle from the ditzy blonde.

About the Author

Carol has lived in Youngstown, Ohio since 1996 where she started out as a "Polandite".  She lived in Hollywood, Florida for 10 years and Atlanta for 11 years.  She is divorced with no kids, so her 9 cats are her beloved "children".  Her passions are wine, travel, gardening, entertaining and cooking.  She has a wonderful mother who shares her wacky sense of humor as does her great group of friends.  Carol's work experience includes selling real estate, working for the phone company as a draftsman, educating retail store personnel in the wine industry, and she currently works for local government in the mental health field.   Her travels include Australia, Europe, Thailand, China, Russia, and South Africa.  Her old age aspirations would be to retire in Mt. Airy, North Carolina and visit nursing homes and hospitals with a therapy dog dressed in doggie duds.