The King's Ebony

Ebony Come Forth

by Christopher T. Height



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/7/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9781425967611

About the Book



Life is all about decisions. The very decision that you make will determine if you act in failure or success.


Decisions don't determine who you are but only where you go. The devil has messed humanity up with the thought that because they made the wrong decisions for their lives that this is the end of the road.


I want you to know that decisions are only acts not permanent fixtures for life. Failures in life are results of bad acts not a bad person.


The devil's deception is to trick you into condemnation so you can meditate on how bad, ugly and insignificant to life you are.


This entrapment will lead you into operating in fear for the rest of your life because you will begin to wonder what other people think about you if you came out of your shell.


Ladies it is time for you to be released! It is time for you to come out of the shell of worldly conviction and make a decision "I am going to live".


My question to you, “What are you waiting on”?


The King’s Ebony

By Christopher T. Height




About the Author

Christopher T. Height is a devout representative of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  He has traveled to several countries teaching and aiding people in their journey to receive and know the love of God. Recent years, 4 Dec 05 to be exact, he accepted his new profound assignment to women.  His assignment orders were given unto him by the Lord as to say “The very thing that you have brought destruction unto you will bring healing and deliverance. “I have placed the anointing of Isaiah 61:1-3 on your life.  What will you do with your gift?