This book is primarily about two things; mountains and merry-go-rounds. No, not the ones you ride but about the merry-go-rounds in life. We’re not only going to talk about how you got on the proverbial merry-go-round but also about how to get off. There is also another area we’ll need to talk about, and that is what to do after you get off the merry-go-round. There are some mountains to climb and in this book, I’ll teach you how.
Why climb a mountain? Because of the view! On a merry-go-round you get to see the same view every time you make a round. Isn’t it about time to realize you’ve been on the merry-go-round to long? Get ready! Hang on! You are about to get a better view of what God wants for you in your life. If you’re ready, let’s go to the top. Now, I’m not talking about climbing a physical mountain but achieving to greater heights beginning today and for the rest of your life. Start reaching for God’s best in your life. He has a great plan for you and it isn’t to ride merry-go-rounds the rest of your life. God wants you to go higher than you have ever been. He wants you off the merry-go-rounds and reaching for the top. What top? The top of anything you have the faith to believe Him for. It doesn’t take faith to ride a merry-go-round but it does to believe God for His best in your life.
This book is also about stretching yourself beyond your comfort zone and going the second mile. Most people stay on the merry-go-round because it’s easy and there is no challenge. It is a break for those who have gone through rough times. “I’ll just get on this thing and ride until I am over the hurt from my past.” You have no responsibilities while riding. All you have to do is get on and the merry-go-round does the rest. There is only one problem; it robs you of great potential.
Before we go any further, let’s identify the tell-tale signs of a merry-go-round. If you are going nowhere fast, then you are on one. If there are no long term benefits, you are on one. If the ride is producing no fruit, you are on one. You have to know you are on a merry-go-round before you can get off.
What is the function of a merry-go-round? To go round in circles, offer a cheap ride, and a temporary thrill. If I get on, what will it do for me? It will do nothing of great importance. The ride has to end sometime. It may only cost a quarter to get on but it will cost you a fortune before you finally figure the ride was not worth it.
Ask yourself, “Should I get off this merry-go-round? If I should, how do I go about it?” If it’s unproductive, yes, you should get off. The way you get off is to say, “STOP this thing and let me off. I’m tired of going around in circles.” Have you ever noticed that the merry-go-round plays the same tune over and over? Here is a super success tip. If you do not like the music, CHANGE THE RECORD. (Record? Wow! That sure dates me!)
In my first book, “Journey to the Top”, I talked about people who do nothing in life but go around in circles looking for an easy way to the top of the mountain. We called those mountains; achievements and successes. My goal for you in that book was to point you to the top and get you started on your success adventure.
My goal in this book is two-fold; to get you off the merry-go-round and point you toward the top.