A Boy Name Korah

by R. W.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/15/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9781425978372

About the Book

“A Boy Name Korah” relates the tale of a Jungle native boy who strays from his tribe and ends up lost. A huge bird hears the boy’s cry, and rescues him to “raise Korah as his own”. One day while Koo is away, a lion attacks, but a “bright light” shines on korah, and he grows large and strong enough to overcome his foe. Korah shows mercy in setting the lion free but chong goes off vowing revenge. Korah returns to his original size and wonders where the “ability” to ward off evil came from. However korah realizes with power comes responsibility.


And just when life was looking up for him, the giant bird Koo dies. Now left alone to fend for himself, korah remembered what Koo taught him, and that was to respect and love all living things no matter how big or how small. As life progresses, the boy grows and faces various challenges from inhabitants of the jungle. Korah views the situation as an opportunity to bring harmony to an untamed jungle only to find him struggling to maintain his integrity.


About the Author

Born and rasied in Long Island, New York , I enjoyed reading childrens books and decided to become an author. Because of the intrest in reading while growing up, and also because of the positive influence we can have on today's young minds. Which motivated me to write a series of childrens books that would inspire a generation of young readers. Most Feel that we need that wholsomeness back in the world of childrens literature, without compromies. Some of the proceeds will be donated to community base centers, for meningitis awareness in dedication to our beloved david who pass as a result of this disease. Thank You for your contribution. R.L.W