Man of Tempered Steel - Bruno Schlesinger

Biography of my Father: An Early South African Mining Engineer

by Helga Kaye with Keith W Kaye



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/16/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781425979638

About the Book

South AfricaLand of Gold, Diamonds and Adventure.


In 1860 Isidor Schlesinger came to the rough and tumble of the gold and diamond fields of South Africa from the sophistication of Central Europe to make his fortune which indeed he did. Later he advised his youngest son Bruno, to study Mining Engineering, so that he too could contribute to the wealth and development of God’s Own Country. Bruno was involved in all aspects of mining and exploration including the last and greatest ‘Diamond Rush’ the world had seen.


This richly illustrated work which developed from an essay written by his daughter Helga, outlines Bruno’s ancestry and then follows his adventurous life from Austrian Silesia to South Africa until his death in Muizenberg, Cape Province, South Africa in 1945.

About the Author


Helga Kaye (nee Schlesinger), although born in South Africa was always exposed to European Culture and was fluent in English, Afrikaans, German and French. She had a tremendous love of life, travel, people and especially her family. Initially a librarian at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, she turned to teaching, and in her latter years to writing; three books and numerous articles especially on travel. Married to Professor Josse Kaye she had two children and died peacefully at her daughter’s home in 1998.


Keith W Kaye BSc(Hons), MB.Bch, FRCS(Edin), FRACS, FCS(SA). Diplomate American Board of Urology a retired Professor of Urological Surgery has followed in his mother’s and grandfather’s footsteps with a love of travel and adventure. Recently he has also developed a great interest in his family history, genealogy and genetic genealogy.