God's Love In 3-Dimensions

by Jim McGrew



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/27/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9781425981709
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781467097192
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9781425981693

About the Book

Could there be anything more exciting and blessed assurance in our life than knowing that the creator of the universe loves us? That is what this book “God’s love in 3-dimensions” is about, God’s love for us, and His designed purpose for our lives; Reflecting back over more than forty years of service in the Body of Christ; I have found the most important things to be taught and expressed, to bring love and unity, and success to the life of the Church, and to our personal lives are, “God’s love for us,” “Our love for God,” and “Our love for one another.” For the success and the life of the Church, and for our personal lives, God’s love must prevail. “God’s Love in 3-dimensions” reiterates the plea of the writings of our Lord’s Apostles, and the prayer of our Lord, for love and unity. The apostles of our Lord pleaded for us throughout the scriptures to have love and unity through the Spirit of God’s love. Jesus our Lord prayed for God’s unity and love for His followers; “that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in Me and I am in You.” “I have made You known to them, and will continue to make You known in order that the love You have for Me may be in them and that I Myself may be in them.”(John 17:21&26). What great accomplishments and success await us when we walk in unity with our Lord and Heavenly Father. The greatness of God’s love, joy and peace fills our hearts, souls and minds, providing divine direction and assurance as we walk in our Lord’s Spirit of love. And what great accomplishments have been made by the body of Christ when our Lord’s love and unity prevail among His body members, when working together in the directives and spirit of their Lord. What creates and produces unity with the Heavenly Father, within us, and within the body of Christ? God’s love! What motivated God’s plan of salvation for mankind? God’s love! What power innovated and sustained our Lord, and Savior, in carrying out God’s plan of salvation? God’s love! What would be the greatest and most significant news a person could receive? God loves you! What is the greatest and most significant news one could ever share with another? God loves you! What brings unity and peace within our individual selves, and the Lord’s Church? The knowledge, the receiving, and the expression of God’s love! This book is written through the spiritual desire to glorify and praise the Triune God Head, for their love.

About the Author

          I have served in the Lord's Church for 40 years and have developed more than one thousand messages.  I discovered the greatest message I could share with others is Jesus's messages and commandments of God's Love.  The greatness of  "God's Love for us," and the greatness of God's life changing Spirit of Love dwelling within us gave me a heart desire to share the greatest news we have to share "God's Love through Jesus our Lord and Savior."

     Thanks be to the Lord our God for the achievement in the writing of "God''s Love in 3-Dimensions."  The writing has taken over a years work and I have prayed daily for God's divine guidance in writing "God's Love in 3-Dimensions."  I now pray each day and ask you to join me that "God's Love in 3-Dimensions" will have God's approval and blessings, and that the Lord will make the writing of "God's Love in 3-Dimensions" a blessing and ministry to His Kingdom.