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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/10/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 96
ISBN : 9781434302878

About the Book

   I start the story on Christmas in the year 2004 and finished it in October 2005. The reason it took me this long even when I have all the story in my mind is my time was very short to sit at the computer and type.

   It is about an innocent man looking for a job and he ends up in a trap. They hired him to kill, but the plan was killing the President, so he did what he was hired for, but inside the jail was a shocking surprise.

   I hope you like the story.

About the Author


Abe has always had a passion for writing. As he was studying production engineering, he continued to express his thoughts on paper; he wrote poems, short stories, and love letters to his girlfriend, who is now his wife and the mother of his only son.

Now at the age of 41, he releases his talent to take us on a journey to explore the corporat world.

Happy reading.