The Day All Hell Broke Loose

by Clarence M. Jackson, II



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/20/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 348
ISBN : 9781425981679

About the Book

This book chronicles the life and times of Chauncey Evansworth  Pennington, a small town preacher who catches hell from the moment he steps foot on North Florida soil to take over a down trodden country church.

He has a beautiful wife and a lovely daughter. And his life was a picture of perfection until  the day that "All Hell Broke Loose." That day brought his haunting past back to vivid remembrance and his present scared the life out of him. You'll have to read the book to find out what his future holds.

Chauncey Pennington is only a figment of my imagination, but his life and the people and circumstances surrounding it, represents the complexities of a life and how fragile it can be when we're presented with unbearable circumstances.

This book is humorous at times and sorrowful at others, But the real purpose of this book is to provoke serious considerations about how we treat others, how we react to others’ treatment of us, and the value of allowing everything that happens to us in life to work out for our good in life.

Prepare to be Shocked!



About the Author

Clarence M. Jackson, II, a purpose driven pastor and teacher by all accounts, was born and raised in rural Gadsden County, Florida. He is regarded by many as a master communicator and motivator; a characterization that has enabled him to minister in cities throughout the U.S.

Mr. Jackson began his collegiate studies at the renowned Florida A& M University in Tallahasse but completed his Bachelors studies in Theology at The Smith Chapel  Bible College where he also attained a Masters Degree in Divinity.

Mr. Jackson is currently the pastor of the flourishing Bethel Baptist Church of Chattahoochee, Florida and a Job Coach for the Gadsden County School Board @ Gadsden Technical Institute.

He, along with his lovely wife Dee, are the proud parents of three beautiful children: Jaelen Allen, Joana Alexandria and Jan Adolphus Jackson.

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