One In A Billion

God Leads Us All the Way

by Lei Deng Cantrell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/15/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781425985288

About the Book

    One In A Billion  shares the testimony of Lei Deng Cantrell, how God brought her to himself and to America.  It reveals his love and providence through many difficulties and circumstances and is an encouragement to all, that he is willing to do the same for you.  It describes her adoption of new culture and relationships, having become a Christian, and the many blessings God has brought as a result of answered prayer.  He is in control and is continually working in often simple ways.  Lei has shared her testimony with many people from all over the world.

   God is with us and to know him is to receive Eternal Salvation through Jesus our Lord.

About the Author

   Lei Deng was born in Beijing, China.  Her father is a well-known physician, her mother a famous musician and teacher.  They taught her to be kindhearted and upright.

   Lei has always believed there is a higher power, having been raised Catholic, but wasn't taught much about God.  Even though she had read some verses in the Bible, she couldn't understand them. When she was fourteen, she asked her father why people like to go to church.  He said: "Because we are sinners, we have sinned before God."  In Chinese, the word "Sin" and the word "Crime" are the same character.  So she thought if she were good, and went to church often, God will be pleased and not send her to prison.

   Lei's turning point came in the fall of 1992.  She had been studying English and Dr. June Kean came from Evangel College in Springfield, MO., to teach at Beijing Music Conservatory and to accompany her mom's church choir on the organ for a Christmas performance.  Lei agreed to translate during the practice.  As a result, Dr. Kean arranged for Lei to come to America.

   The second year at Evangel was another turning point.  She became a Christian during Spiritual Emphasis week and began to grow in the Lord and he has changed her life forever.

   Lei met her husband at Evangel and they were married in 1996 and serve the Lord together.  She worked at Old Country Buffet for eight and half years.  While there, she witnessed for the Lord to co-workers and customers from all over the world, until it closed November 18, 2004.

   Tim and Lei Cantrell have an 8-year-old daughter and a son, born October 15, 2004.  They are both a blessing from the Lord.  God is with them.