Bud’s Instruction Manual

Learn More then the Basics about Janitorial, Floor Maintenance, Carpet Cleaning, Office Cleaning and More

by Richard S. Takasch



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/2/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 76
ISBN : 9781425990558

About the Book

This book is about an alternative to working for a company when the question now a days is will that job still be there for me years to come. The Author wants you to learn this easy to learn trade. This is a training manuel. It is like a course in a small book. This trade can become a successful business for you. The Author is showing you how to overcome things in the way of your path without making some of the mistakes that he had done. He is even willing to help you by e-mail and phone if you sign on to join his club. The Author's reward is knowing he helped in making people meet their goal. This is the main purpose of the book. The Author wants to know if he made a difference in a few people's lives for the better.

About the Author

 My name is Richard S. Takasch, I am a partner of Bud’s Maintenance Service Company, L.L.C. Janitorial Supplies and Janitorial Paper Products. I started in Janitorial in 1972. I worked part time for two Janitorial Services. One of the services I worked in 4 ½ hours an evening I done office cleaning and Spray Buffed floors I done General Office cleaning for two small companies. In the year 1973 I got a job in a chemical factory. I purchased 17 inch in diameter floor machine for $300.00. In the early 70’s many of the floor waxers used paste wax. I have done a few taverns and luncheonettes in the start of my business. In 1975 I was laid off. I done floor maintenance and store front window cleaning. After a 2 year lay off I got back to my factory job. It did not last long in 1978 it was over. I added carpet cleaning to my part time business as I also worked for other established Janitorial businesses.. I worked full time in other factory jobs thinking that I may find a secure one. In the mean time I also worked for other janitorial services on a part time basis. I keep on working on my own service till I built it up till I felt it would be secure enough alone without the need of another job. I then added Carpet Cleaning to my offered services. In the late 80’s and early 90’s I was a member of CMI they printed some of my ideas in the monthly magazine. In the early 90’s I belonged to the local Chamber of Commerce. My only regret is I should have started in my own business and got it off the ground sooner. I have 30 years in the Janitorial trade.

