God Had Two Wives

Even God Himself Was Divorced

by Pat W. Heald



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/4/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781425996611
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781425996628

About the Book

At a very early age, after hearing a soul stirring sermon about Jesus dying on the cross, twelve year old Pat Wesley Heald, gave his heart and life to the Lord. That night with tears streaming down his face, in the front seat of his grandfather’s 1946 pick-up, he made a solemn promise to God: “God, if you will save my soul and forgive me of my sins, I will preach the gospel.”

Now, after fifty two years in the ministry, Rev. Pat Heald has evangelized all across the United States, In Mexico, and in Nigeria, Africa. He has preached under tents, “brush arbors”, and in auditoriums. He has laid the foundation of twelve churches, and taught In Bible Colleges. Because of his travels, experience in building churches, and teaching he has arrived at the twenty first century as AN APOSTLE IN OUR TIMES with a “doctorate of Divinity” and as the author of many books.

He is still teaching various seminars, which includes “Inner Healing Seminars”... “Faith Seminars”... “Bible Prophecy Seminars” and more. Once in a while you can find him holding a revival in a church or laying another foundation of new church.

However, writing has become his passion. Over the last twenty years he has written more than eighteen books. His books range from “Gospel Humor” to serious “Bible Prophecy”. At the publishing of this book, “God Had Two Wives” he is writing three more books.

When you read his books you discover, he, as a teacher, has the ability to make “deep teaching” simple. It has been said by those who have read his books, they get the feeling and the excitement that their being taken on a journey into the world of bible knowledge, where no man has dared go before!

About the Author

At a very early age, after hearing a soul stirring sermon about Jesus dying on the cross, twelve year old Pat Wesley Heald, gave his heart and life to the Lord. That night with tears streaming down his face, in the front seat of his grandfather’s 1946 pick-up, he made a solemn promise to God: “God, if you will save my soul and forgive me of my sins, I will preach the gospel.”

Now, after fifty two years in the ministry, Rev. Pat Heald has evangelized all across the United States, In Mexico, and in Nigeria, Africa. He has preached under tents, “brush arbors”, and in auditoriums. He has laid the foundation of twelve churches, and taught In Bible Colleges. Because of his travels, experience in building churches, and teaching he has arrived at the twenty first century as AN APOSTLE IN OUR TIMES with a “doctorate of Divinity” and as the author of many books.

He is still teaching various seminars, which includes “Inner Healing Seminars”... “Faith Seminars”... “Bible Prophecy Seminars” and more. Once in a while you can find him holding a revival in a church or laying another foundation of new church.

However, writing has become his passion. Over the last twenty years he has written more than eighteen books. His books range from “Gospel Humor” to serious “Bible Prophecy”. At the publishing of this book, “God Had Two Wives” he is writing three more books.

When you read his books you discover, he, as a teacher, has the ability to make “deep teaching” simple. It has been said by those who have read his books, they get the feeling and the excitement that their being taken on a journey into the world of bible knowledge, where no man has dared go before!