Prayer The Essential Element of Worship

by W. C. Wilson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/26/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 100
ISBN : 9781434308627

About the Book


About the Author

Elder W. C. Wilson is an anointed man of God who has true passion and zeal for prayer. This passion for prayer has established him in the kingdom of God as an intercessor for the body of Christ. Through his personal experiences of struggles and nearly defeated he has come to learn that praying according to the word of God will break every stronghold, remove every stumbling block, and crush every scheme that the enemy has plotted against the body of Christ. Prayer is man’s lifeline to God.  Elder Wilson is a minister at United Christian Church An International Ministry, one church in multiple locations under the leadership of Apostle Maurice K. Wright Senior Overseer, and Bishop Dexter Elston site Pastor Huntsville, Al location. Elder Wilson has a burning desire to see the body of Christ operate in the fullness of God, and establish God’s kingdom.  He knows prayer will position believers to operate within the kingdom of God, and help them take their dominion position in the earth. He is also the Author of the Next Level of Commitment, therefore he knows what it takes to progress the kingdom of God in light of everything that is going on around us.