The Duel

A Spiritual Fight between Immoveable object (Fundamentalism) and Irresistible force (Free Will)

by Steve Bryan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/10/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9781425993214
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9781425993221

About the Book

It seems to me that there is a great gulf between what people say they believe in with their head and what they know to be true in their heart and experience. This gulf is the difference between theory and reality.

Generally, theory or ideas come first but experience should catch up in due time. Where views have matured there should be no difference between faith and practice.

Where there is a persistent gap in these two things a fertile ground for a whole mountain of problems opens up. This book demonstrates how and why the gap exits, what happens if the gap is not closed and more importantly, how to close the gap.

In the early church, evidence that theory and practice went hand in hand was very evident. Signs and wonders following the preaching of The Word were common occurrences.

This book explains how the gap between theory and reality brings about fanatical behaviour that spills over into extremism. From here it is a short step to the birth of the terrorist. This book is therefore directly relevant to the world in which we live today. Governments all over the world are seeking a solution to this problem. If the church can bring these two things together we have the answer. It is the only answer.

This book is not about new theology; it is not about getting you to change your viewpoint. It is about getting you to think about what you really believe. It is about living truthfully with yourself. Once you have a clear view of what you really believe it is then about living it, regardless of any peer-pressure to conform to another way. It is about ‘letting the chips fall where they will.’



About the Author

   I am just another you.


   If you passed me in the street there would be nothing that would cause me to stand out from the crowd. However, I am unashamedly proud of my uniqueness.


   As the second child of four I have on occasions referred to myself as ‘second in line to the throne.’


   I am of West Indian descent born in Coventry in the mid 1950’s, educated in the comprehensive system and graduated in Biochemistry, which I read at Kent University.


   I have always had an insatiable appetite to know things for myself. I need convincing. It is a fact that the struggle a caterpillar undergoes as it seeks to break free from its chrysalis, is what gives the power to the wings for flight. No struggle no flight.


   I have had the benefit of Godly parents who put me well and truly on the road to knowing. However, if we are to arrive at our own true understanding, we need to check for ourselves.


   I have struggled to know truth for myself. This book, ‘The Duel’ is about the struggle to break free to be our own unique Self.


   If you read this book it may become another point along the way that helps you discover, no matter what your place of birth, the colour of your skin, your politics or religion, that you are another me.