The Brother

by W. D. Jordan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/13/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781425998684

About the Book

   The Puchalski brothers were separated by two cities and a seven hour drive. The older brother Jim, a detective in Los Angeles, and Bill a cop in San Francisco. Both men now in their forties come together to visit with Kate, their Alzheimer inflicted mother who through her now confused mind divulges the bomb shell that would change their lives forever, an even older and mentally challenged brother living on the streets of  Los Angeles.

   At the same time the gruesome killings of homosexual men becomes the headline news around Los Angeles; bringing the two brothers and Jim's aggressive partner, Detective Michelle Ramirez together on a frantic search to find the killer and/or the missing brother before the next murder.

   Confusion and twists wrap around each other for the three sleuths, especially Ramirez as the reality hits that the murderer could be one of their own.

About the Author


That’s right, here I am…AGAIN! You would know this if you read my first book, WAKE! But I digress…for you first timers, here’s a little re-hash to get you up to speed.

   Born William Douglas Jordan in 1956 in the lovely city of Orange in California. I attended Elementary in Garden Grove and High school in Fountain Valley after my parents moved the family to Westminster. Bun in the oven and married by 18, third child by 23, first and only divorce at age 39.  Are you thoroughly confused yet? You see, one plus one equals three….ah forget it. Try and keep up okay?

   I’ve been a Roofing Contractor since 1981. Found and married the best girl ever in 1997 and have been living a great life in the beautiful town of Whittier ever since.

   My Roofing business is doing quite well thank you very much, but I have always loved to write. This is my 2nd offering of blood and guts so I hope you like it. And remember, no hate mail because I’m having too much fun.


P.S. #3 is in the hopper and I’m hoping it can be out by Christmas 2007. Can’t say much but the working title is “Fear the Boatman”. Adios!